Monday, November 29, 2010

Eat me. (sort of a cut-up)

A tranquilizer--
at home, at the office,
in court, under
the tongue. It makes up
for the absence of God,
or your widow's weeds,
or chemistry's uncompassionate sleep.
You really should settle.
You really should take the edge off.
This is your only buyer-- dissolve it,
swallow it, and wash it down--
there is no other devil left.

Trapeze ease. (a cut-up)

In the stillness- hushed,
astonished air- the weight
of the body has failed
to fall. Alone, he lacks wings.
Unfeathered, he crouches;
he plots, he threads himself through
the newborn arms at just this moment.

Merely. (a cut-up)

He wants, he wants,
he wants a teaspoon
of ocean- with his eyes,
with his ears. In a word,
he is filled with freedom
and came to be stars-in his own way-
a crystal's childhood
in the herd.