Saturday, April 19, 2008

against flesh and blood or, a true handmaid's tale

Mirror, mirror on the wall
who, pray tell, should I look
like today?
Pamela Anderson? Hepburn?
Can I pull-off the oversized hat and black shades?
If I don't eat this, he'll want me, he might want me,
will he ever want me?
Oh Magic mirror, how do I look
airbrushed yet natural?
What's the trick?
Finger in mouth? Stomach in, ass out?
Stand up tall, so I may eventually
lay down
heels pointed towards the ceiling--
listening to him sigh and
be pleased all over
my freshly waxed legs?
Mirror, mirror on the wall,
grant me the serenity to accept
the things I must,
courage to change the things
I'm told to,
and wisdom to keep my mouth shut
and lips glossed.

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